Here are the smart way to earn additional income
Making money while at work. Has a great ring to it, doesn't it?
After reading the book "rich dad poor dad" and watch "Rise of Entrepreneur", I became interested and obsessed with making an additional source of income and passive income as well.
Whenever someone needs additional income, the stereotypical suggestion offered is to "get a part-time job" right? some of your friends will suggest it most of the time. but what if I will tell you that I have an idea of how to make an additional source even you're currently employed.
These businesses idea will enlighten your mind to the possibilities on how to make an additional source of income.
1. Network Marketing, Most people who are looking for an additional source of income do Network Marketing business, in this business, you have 3 options on how to earn.
a.) Retailing / Personal Sales
b.) Independent Distributor
c.) Building Network
Let's start!
You need to purchase a retailer's kit worth of ₱500.00! and be a retailer. it includes the following:
- ₱500 WORTH of PRODUCTS! Of Your Choice!
- 10% Discount on all next Product and Package Purchases!
- 1 Year Accident Insurance Coverage
Independent Distributor
You need to purchase NWORLD Package! but because you paid ₱500 for Retailer's kit and have 10% discount, you can avail the Platinum Package for only ₱17,850 instead of ₱18,350. The total amount you paid is ₱500 + ₱17,850 = ₱18,350 but the product you'll get is worth of ₱ 25,500, you already have the profit of ₱7,150.
GOOD NEWS! There is no package you need to choose from, because you will MAKE YOUR OWN PACKAGE! Just choose at least 5 different NWORLD Products that will be part of your package and the rest will be your CHOICE! Choose any products you want to be in your package, If you want soaps only, you can have it all, just don't forget atleast 5 different products to be part of it and the total would be ₱ 25,500. With this great system you can sell faster and much better because you will choose the products that you can easily sell.
If you wish to purchase another Nworld Package, you can now avail it for only ₱16,400 and the products you will get is still worth of ₱ 25,500. When you sold it all you have the profit of ₱9,100. You can avail the package for only ₱16,400 on your succeeding purchases and you will still make your own package. Once you're a member you can purchase products individually if you don't want to avail package. No minimum and no maximum purchase. You will also get 35% discount on all products of NWORLD.
Aside from the ₱25,500 worth of products you get for only ₱ 18,350, you will have the following benefits:
-A lifetime discount of up to 35% on all products of NWORLD.
-Marketing tools such as brochure and price list
-Company Id with an authority to purchase products with up to 35% discount.
-You will have an account in NWORLD Tracking Center (NTC) where you can monitor online your personal and group transactions 24/7, the points that are convertible to cash and the people you have recruited, rebates from your earnings and all the transactions you have.

1. USER - You're earning while using the products because all NWORLD Products have equivalent points that are convertible to cash.
When you accumulate 1,050 PP (Products Points) from your retail purchase it will be converted to ₱1, 050 cash.
1. DIRECT SELLING - Retailing, Distribution of products - You will have profit in every NWORLD products you sold because you have 35% discount on all products. You can sell the products above SRP (Suggestive Retail Price) just DO NOT SELL the products below SRP.
*Nlighten Kojic Papaya with Glutathione
₱ 200 --> SRP
- ₱ 150 --> Distributor's Price
= ₱ 50 --> Profit
In every Nlighten Kojic Papaya with Glutathione bar soap, you sold you have ₱50 pesos profit.
*Nhance L-Glutathione with Collagen
₱ 1, 785.00 --> SRP
₱ -1, 338.75 --> Distributor's Price
= ₱ 446.25 --> Profit
3. SUB-DEALER - If you are busy or not that good in direct selling, you can still earn. Very Simple. You can look for your reseller. Remember that you have 35% discount, you can give a part of your discount to your reseller, you decide how much percentage you will give to your sub-dealers everytime they sell products.
Example: You give 10 % to your sub-dealer, you still have 15%
You have 10 resellers, each one sold 1 box ng Nlighten L-glutathione w/ Collagen.
1 Box Nlighten L-glutathione w/ Collagen
₱ 1, 785.00 --> SRP
₱ -1, 517.25 --> 15% discount
= ₱ 267.75
x 10 --> Sub-dealer
= ₱ 2, 677.50 --> Profit in every 10 box of Nlighten L-glutathione w/ Collagen
In every 10 boxes of Nlighten L-glutathione w/ Collagen you have ₱ 2, 677.50 pesos profit even you didn't sell it personally. That is only if only Nlighten L-glutathione w/ Collagen sold, but how much more if you sold all NWORLD Products, Of course you have bigger profit.

Look for people who want to change their life, who have big dreams like you. Don't worry for you are not alone in this journey, We are a team, we will help you to understand it. We have complete training and video training that will help you to generate a larger group in fastest and effective ways.
For every new member you directly referred under your group who will also purchase the package ₱ 18,350, NWORLD will give you a commission of ₱1,700 and 1,050 PP (Package points value) that you can use in Team Sales rebates. If you have 10 new direct members that will join your group, You will have extra ₱18,350. That is how NWORLD generous is.
With every NWORLD Product Package, you sold you will have ₱ 1,700. Because you have 10% product package rebates from SRP Package.

Php 1,700 Package Rebates.

- in this program, many became rich and living their dreams, because it applies to you and members under your organization. The people who availed AlphaNet World packages from you, will be divided into 2 teams, Teams A and B. The first packages sales will be placed into Team A while the next one will be on Team B. Once you have a team match of package (1,050PP) , the company will give you a gross bonus commission of ₱2,100.
Once two members are able to sell 1 package to every 2 new members, you will earn ₱4,200 PHP commission from AlphaNet World and also on the people that they have sold packages from. Even you dont personally known those person referred by your member.

The good thing about the program of AlphaNetworld Corporation is that, even one of your team members won't sell any packages for as long as they are consuming and selling the AlphaNet World Products and getting PPV (Product Points Value) points, they will still accumulate income and if they will reach 75PPV on your left and right team sales you will still get a Team Match Sales Bonus gross of ₱1,050.
If each member we’re able to sell at least 2 new packages per month, you will consume a potential income worth ₱2.9 Million per year.
With maximum of 14 matches per day per account. That a total of 29,400php/ day/account maximum.

Don't worry as I have said a while ago, you are not alone in this business, you have me and the whole group as your business partners in building your own team. I know you still cannot explain all of these because you are new.
I'll be in charge first while you are learning for the meantime! just bring your prospect/s, or you can set a meeting place and date where we can explain NWORLD to them! its that easy.
this program provides earnings from sales rebates and overrides from the Multi Level Points and from the group sales.
Accumulated rebates from the profits of your members that is convertible into cash.
With this program you can earn ₱630 per package sold under your group, You're earning even only one team or one line is working.

Aside from the earnings and benefits, NWORLD has provided to its Ntrepreneurs, NWORLD also rewards incentive to our hard-working members that will qualify to reach the criteria of the requirements. You will have the chance to travel in DUBAI, JAPAN at EUROPE when you meet the requirements! How Exciting!

Ms. Jessa TaraTara
NWORLD Ntrepreneur / Independent Distributor
My Contact Number : 0950-485-7690
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